Creative Sharing Circles
From December 2021 to May 2022, monthly Creative Sharing Circles with the artists and creative team took place on Zoom:
January | Kohitātea | Spirit Moon | tsothohrhko:wa (the big cold)
February | Huitānguru | Bear Moon | enniska (lateness)
March | Poutūterangi | Sugar Moon | ennisko:wa (much lateness)
April | Paengawhāwhā | Sucker Moon | onerahtokha (budding time)
May | Haratua | Flower Moon | onerahtohko:wa (the time of big leaf)
Artists were invited to speak about their experience of keeping (or not) a dream journal for the project, as a way to explore other ways of knowing. For some artists, the practice of remembering and noting dreams was fairly easy. For others, it was much more challenging. We spoke of the importance of the dream world; the vulnerability of working with dreams; the passage from the unconscious realm to the physical realm; from sleeping dreams to awaken dreams.
How to remember the dreams?
Artists shared fragments of their dreams. Some of those dreams were recurring and/or evolving. Some were intense disturbing dreams with chaos. Others dreams were calmer, silent or fantastical. Often the dreams shared, though not all, were relational and about dynamics between other people, or animals; how we are in relation to one another, and how we work through our conscious questions and queries - processing in dreamscapes.
Can you smell in your dreams?